Aljibe Àrabe – Arabiske vandcisterner
Aljibe, som de gamle arabiske vandcisterner hedder, finder man mange forskellige steder.
Øverste og billedet nederst til venstre er samme cisterne. Den ligger midt i Gocollos de Gaudix. Nogle børn bruger den i dette øjeblik til at spille fodbold opad. Der er en mur uden vinduer, så hvorfor ikke? Betyder det noget, at det måske er 6-700 år gammelt? Indvendigt er der en udstilling.
Billedet nederst til højre er cisternen fra Fiñana. Den er kæmpe stor og dateres tilbage til det fjortende århundred. Den ligger øverst oppe i byen og i sin tid, var det inden for den arabiske bymur. En anden og mindre cisterne var tilknyttet selve borgen. Ud over regnvand og sne, blev den fyldt med vand fra Sierra Nevada gennem et system af kanaler. Cisternen var i brug indtil 1969.
Byrådets arbejde med at bevare den lokale historiske arv gjorde, at blev den restaureret i 2001 og nu bruges til forskellige kulturelle formål.
Aljibe, that's the name for the old Arab water tanks. They can be found all over the area.
The photo in the top and the one below to the left is the same cistern. It's located right in the center of Gocollos de Gaudix. Some kids are playing ball against it this very moment. And why not? It's a wall without windows. Who cares, that it might be 6-700 years old. There's some kind of exhibition inside it.
The last photo is the cistern in Fiñana. It's giant and dates back to the 14th century. It's located on top of the hill and back in the days, it was inside the arabic town. Another smaller water tank were strictly for the castle. The cisterns were not only filled water from rain and snow, but also water from the mountain range Sierra Nevada. It was transported through a system of canels. The water tank was in use until 1969.
Due to the work of recovering the historical and monumental heritage, the Fiñana City Council restored the cistern in 2001. These days it's used for different cultural activities.
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Arabisk bad. Ja tak!
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